
Organifi Green Juice Review: Products|Ingredients|Benefit and More

We live in a generation where things are rapidly changing. We have experienced changes in technology, health care and even our cultures as well. All of these are done to make our lives better.

We have also seen rapid changes in the health and wellness industry. In this article, we will be looking at another health drink, popularly known as Organifi green juice.

What Is Organifi?
 Organifi is a brand name used for various health products. They currently have the following health products:
  • Organifi Green juice

  • Organifi Protein

  • Organifi Daily Tumeric

  • Organifi Biotic Balance

What is Organifi Green juice all about?

According to the founder Drew Canole, Organifi is a dried (powdered) superfood that is made up of healthy fruits, vegetables and herbs. 

What are the benefits of taking Organifi Green juice?
 1 It supports the functioning of our immune system
Our immune system helps to keep us healthy and strong by fighting microorganisms and conditions that can cause us to fall sick
2 Promotes a healthy skin, hair and nails
3 Detoxification. This entails flushing out toxins that can cause diseases
4 Reduces stress
5 Good mental health. it can boost brain functioning
6 Energy Boost

what are the ingredients found in Organifi Green juice?
1 lemon
Lemon is a citrus fruit that has so many health benefits such as  helping in weight loss, fighting bacteria and stabilizing our blood sugar levels. 

2 Coconut water

Coconut water contains electrolytes such as potassium that are beneficial to the body, especially in regulating high blood pressure.

3 Ashwagandha 

Ashwagandha is a powerful herb used in Ayurvedic healing. it has been used for centuries for to:

  • strengthen the immune system 
  • Lower cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar
  • Boost the immune system,
  • Improve memory and learning
  • Enhance sexual drive/potency for men and women
It is also known as Indian Ginseng even though it is not botanically related to ginseng

4 Tumeric

It is widely used for its antioxidant property

5 Matcha Green Tea
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Matcha contains antioxidants. It also helps in reducing our appetite.

6 Wheat grass
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It has antioxidant properties. It also helps to boost the immune system

7 Beetroot


Beetroot has so many health benefits and it is being used to lower blood pressure.

8 Mint

Mint is popularly uses as a breath freshener that is why it is added to chewing gums. In addition to this, it also helps in digestion, weight loss, memory loss, skin care, headache, depression and fatigue.

9 Spirulina


This blue green algae is a fresh water plant that contains protein, minerals and vitamins. it helps in regulating cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, fighting certain cancers and speeding up weight loss.

10 Moringa

Moringa is found in Africa, Asia, and other parts of the world. is has so many health benefits including healing of some skin rashes. It also helps in improving vision, boosting the immune system, relieving stress and helps in regulating blood sugar levels.

11 Chlorella
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This is a fresh water alga and it helps in detoxification and other conditions for which more research is still needed to confirm them.

As of the time of this review (1st june 2017) Organifi green juice powder cost $70.99 for a 270g 30 day supply container on You can also check the price on Organifi shop 

Here is what healthplero has to say about Organifi Green Juice

1) If you live in Africa or you have land to grow your fruits and vegetables, we would NOT recommend that you consume Organifi Green Juice. This is because we have access to so many fruits and vegetables in our local markets at very cheap prices. We have access to land to cultivate fruits and vegetables.
 It is important for you to understand that Organifi contains many fruits and vegetables that have been dried and preserved to last longer. The process of preservation warrants that chemicals be added to it. 
Majority of our food in Africa is 100% organic. We are therefore 100% sure of the fruits and vegetables we buy from our local vendors. Why should you spend money to buy what is available right in front of your eyes at a very affordable price?

2 If you live in USA, Europe and other developed countries or if you do not have access to fruits and vegetables, we would recommend that you give Organifi Green juice a try for the following reasons;
  • You may have a very busy schedule and do not have access to an abundant supply of fruits and vegetables like those who live in Africa.  Organifi green juice is also a quicker and alternative way to juicing.
  • you do not have land where you can grow some vegetables.
  • You do not have access to organic fruits and vegetables. Organic foods according to Wikipedia should be free of artificial additives and should be grown with fewer artificial materials and conditions such as chemical ripening, genetically modified ingredients and food irradiation.
 3)  There are a lot of positive testimonies about Organifi green juice, as well as negative ones. We got to read some of these reviews. However,we cannot side with either of them because what works for one person may not work for another. It is also important to try before concluding because there are a lot of paid positive reviews as well as paid negative reviews.
  • Positive reviews found on Organifi Green juice's website include significant amount of weight loss, energy boost, stronger immune system and it doesn't take time to prepare. We however didn't see any negative review on their website. These positive reviews have not been verified or investigated. 
  • At the time of this review (June 1) 1,203 customers had bought and reviewed Organifi green juice on
-63% gave it a 5 star rating
- 13% gave it a 4 star rating
-8% gave a it 3 star rating
-5% gave a 2 star rating and
- 11% gave it 1 star.
Therefore if this was to be a study, we would conclude that Organifi Green Juice is not a scam based on the total number of positive ratings from customers who have bought and consumed Organifi Green Juice.
  • We tried searching for other reviews that have been done and we found both positive and negative reviews on highya.comPeople were dissatisfied because;
- Trying to contact them seems almost impossible whether by phone or email.
- Some people who wanted to cancel their subscription or get a refund called and sent emails to no avail. 
- Some people disliked the taste
- Others think it’s just a placebo because they didn’t see any significant change in their health. 
-The price is expensive for the product.

4 Before buying any product, or reading any website, always check if they have a disclaimer. Fortunately, we found one on Organifi's website which states that *these statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Testimonials found at and/or from FITLIFETV LLC are unverified results that have been forwarded to us by users of the Juice With Drew program, and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience, may not apply to the average person and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.* 
You can read the details of the disclaimer Here. We hope this review helps you.


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