Who Should Do Lash Extensions?
1. Do
You Mind The Process?
If you are someone who is impatient than you
might want to skip on lash extensions. They are a time-consuming process since
they can take up to 2 hours of your time when doing the initial application.
After that, you will have to come back every 3-4 weeks for the infill. Infills
usually take up to 1 hour, based on the eyelash count that you've lost, or
sometimes even longer if you wish for more volume. If you can find time and
patience to get out of the house for a couple of hours twice a month, then yes,
permanent lash extensions are for
2. Do
You Mind The Price?
Based on your preference and your wishes you
will be able to choose your own wanted volume. If you are someone who prefers
drama, you can ask for the so-called Russian volume. Or if you are a subtle
lover, you can ask for the classic lashes. However, know that the more lashes
you stack on your eye, that the more it will cost you. Some flirtier sets can
range from $75 and go all the way up to $200. Also, you will have to know your
material. Besides sink and mink lashes, there are also lashes made out of
polyester. Each pair is priced differently; therefore you will probably pay the
most for a mink set since it is the most natural looking one. Ask yourself
which lash is the most budget-friendly in your case and only then proceed
further with the process.
3. Are
You Over Glue-On Lashes?

4. Do
You Mind Switching Up Your Morning, Night, and Makeup Routine?
Although lash extensions are easy to handle,
they do demand a unique approach. When getting them done, you should watch out
for several things and adjust your everyday routine:
- Comb
Them Through
Comb your lashes each night before you go to
sleep. They need to be separated and prepared for your next day. You can use a
clean mascara wand, a brow wand, or a spoolie.
- Avoid
Don't use any oil based products on your
extensions. Oil can move them around and cause them to fall out sooner than
expected. Use makeup removers that are oil-free and you will be good to go.
- Sleep
On Your Back
Although it sounds like a weird rule, it is a
helpful one. Once you get your extensions, you might want to get used to
sleeping on your back, only. This way your face won't come in contact with your
pillow, which means that your extensions will stay intact.
5. Do
You Mind The Upkeep?
Your extensions will fall out on their own
every month or so, and you will have to get them redone. Meanwhile, make sure
you avoid rubbing, tugging, or playing with your extensions since this way you
will cause them to fall out sooner than expected. A lot of beauty estheticians
also recommend skipping on swimming, training, and washing your face during the
first 48 hours after getting them done. Make sure you are patient and give the
glue some time to set. This way, your extensions will stay in place for weeks
and weeks to come.