
Benefits of Our Mobile Health Sms Alerts in Cameroon

In the last post we were talking about our mobile health updates using our bulk sms system. We did mentioned three main categories namely:

1. Prevention and management of diseases of the heart and blood vessels
2 Management and prevention of other diseases like cancer, diabetes, arthritis, overweight including home remedies and health tips
3 sexual and reproductive health messages for women

We did not really get into the specific things you will benefit from these categories. We saw it necessary to make readers have an idea on what they will benefit from subscribing to our service.

Category1: Prevention and management of diseases of the heart and blood vessels e.g. hypertension
You will recieve M-Health alerts based on the following:
·        Reminders and alerts to go for checkups

·        Meaning of health parameters e.g. what does a BP of 160/120  mean 

·        Lifestyle and habits that make u susceptible to developing hypertension, stroke

·        Foods that fight hypertension 

·        Foods to avoid if you have hypertension

·        How to determine your risk of developing hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases such as the use of BMI, Waist-to-height ratios and waist-to-hip ratios etc.

·        Reminders on  the importance of exercise and the role it plays in preventing diseases of the cardiovascular system

·        Encouraging people to get medication from a trusted and verified health center and how to avoid scams from illegal drug stores ,illegal and unverified medications such as some panaceas

·        Consequences of not going for regular checkups.

Category 2: Management and prevention of other diseases like cancer, diabetes, arthritis, overweight including home remedies and general health tips
You will learn the following
  • Causes of diseases
  • Causes of overweight and obesity and its consequences
  • How to lose weight naturally without taking any medication 
  • Importance and health benefits of foods, fruits and vegetables for example health benefits of eating cabbage, tomato, garlic, ginger, onions, pear bitter leaf etc.
  • Importance of all the classes of foods, and nutrients including where to find them for example you will know the importance of Vitamin C and the various foods, fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C and how to get the maximum benefit from this fruits 
  • How to make healthy choices when it concerns food, especially the difference and health benefits of living food (e.g. raw cabbage, raw tomatoes, raw onions) Versus dead food (e.g. over cooked and over reheated foods, junk foods)
  • Some simple and cost effective home remedies for example how to combat itches gotten from exposure to grass during farming, how to manage cough, colds at home with things like ginger, home uses of honey, apple cider vinegar, how to treat pimples and razor burns with things like lemon etc
  • subscribing to our mobile health packages will teach you how to avoid some simple mistakes that cost us our health over a long period of time such as eating too much junk food, smoking, not going regularly for screening/checkups, eating too much sugar and sweet things etc
  • Knowledge on signs and symptoms of some conditions that require screening and medical checkups
  • First aid measures for common accidents that happen at home e.g. small wounds, sprains, strains, burns from fire, hot oil, hot iron etc 

3 Sexual and reproductive health
You will learn the following:
  • Birth control and family planning methods, their uses, their advantages, their disadvantages and where to have access to these methods
  •  False rumours and false facts about some  forms of contraceptives and their true facts
  • Prevention and management of STI’s
  • Screenings that are available to prevent diseases of the female reproductive system like cervical and breast cancer screening.
  •   Health education about some conditions peculiar to women’s sexual health such as vaginal infections, menopause, signs and symptoms of diseases  of the female reproductive system etc
  • personal hygiene for women 

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