
5 things Women in their 20's should do to avoid Diseases in their 50's

It is always better and cheaper to prevent diseases than to cure it. Women in their 20’s are at the right stage to lay the foundation for their life. A healthy choice now will determine whether you will age terribly or age gracefully. As a woman in your 20’s and 30's, there are some choices that must be incorporated into your lifestyle.

 It is very common to see our parents in their 50’s complain of hypertension, overweight, joint pain, stress, growths, and diabetes just to name a few. The more time advances, the more diseases and health problems we seem to face. Celebrities like Jada Smith do not look good and healthy by just sitting on one spot. They work hard to be healthy. Here are 5 things to do to prevent diseases in the future and stay healthy. 

1 Eat what will benefit your 


The choice of food you eat today will affect your tomorrow. Do not take your good health today for granted. If you were not taught nutrition 101 in school, the Internet and health team is there to inform you. 
Avoid eating too much of sweets, high fatty foods, drinking too much wine and beer. 

Your life is in your hands. If there is anything on earth around you that will benefit your health, it is wise you go and acquire the taste for it. Likewise if there is anything you are consuming that will benefit your health, it is wise you try as much as possible to limit the consumption of such products.

It is also important to always check your weight because being over weight and obese predisposes you to so many non communicable diseases like hypertension or heart disease. 

2 Exercise regularly
Exercise is very important for a woman. Do not compare yourself to men. You need to exercise regularly. There are serious consequences for you if you neglect your body. Abdominal exercises are also very important. It helps your abdomen regain shape after you give birth.

Exercising regularly reduces the chances of you having diseases caused by overweight. Exercise makes you vibrant, strong, flexible and feeling young. If you do not have the habit of exercising for at least 2 hours and 30 minutes each week, go and acquire the habit.

3 Love yourself
To women of all races and color, you are amazing just the way you are. Avoid skin bleaching and implants on any part of your body, the side effects of such always manifest at old age. 

4 Learn how to manage stress and

Every woman on earth is stressed over one thing or the other. But they learn how to deal and cope with stress. It is important for women to know that how much they age in life is dependent on stress, their lifestyle and genetics. 

If you succeed in controlling stress and living a healthy lifestyle then you have only genetics to worry about. It is very common to see women who look 10 years older than their real age. There are many books that teach women on the management of stress. An example is a book titles ‘Straight Talk: Overcoming Emotional Battles with the Power of God’s help” by Christian Televangelist and pastor, Joyce Meyer. If you don’t take control of stress, stress will take control of your life.

5 Always go for checkups
Take care of your health. A woman’s body is very good at hiding diseases. It is now up to you to go for checkups so that some diseases can be discovered and treated early. 

Most importantly, always go for breast cancer screening and cervical cancer screening. It is very necessary to go to the hospital once a year and do a complete review of your body by a Doctor. Diseases such as cervical and breast cancer have been treated at their various initial stages.

last updated: 11/13/2017
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